Antigua & Barbuda 1995
15 c., Pachycephalosaurus head, 20 c., Afrovenator head, 65 c., Centrosaurus,
90 c., Pentaceratops, 1,20 $., Tarbosaurus head, 5 $., Styracosaurus head.
Two M.S. @ 6 $., Corythosaurus, Carnotaurus.
Antigua & Barbuda 1995
Sheet 'Dinosaurs of the World', 12 @ 75 c.;
Kronosaur (and nautiloid), Ichthyosaur, Plesiosaur, Archelon,
Tyrannosaur (2x), Tyrannosaur (1x), Parasaurolophus (1x), Parasaurolophus (2x),
Oviraptor, Protoceratops with nest, Protoceratops and Pteranodon, Protoceratops (2x).
Issue date: 15-th of May.
C a t a l o g u e    n u m b e r s
Michel  2121-2138,
Stanley G  2082-2100
Yv et Tel  1832-1849,
Scott  1882-1890

Overprinted 'BARBUDA / MAIL', 1996;
Issue date: 13-th of June.
C a t a l o g u e    n u m b e r s
Michel  1796-1813,
Stanley G  1730-1748
Yv et Tel  1570-1587,
Scott  1558-1563, 1564a-l,

Not all species shown are dinosaurs.
Protoceratops and Pteranodon lived at different times and on different continents,
Pteranodon is shown far too small.
Centrosaurus is shown on grassland, which did not exist then.
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