ANGOLA, 1970  

Angola 1970

0$50, Angolasaurus, skull and reconstruction, 2$00, Gondwanidium validum,
3$00, Stromatolites, 3$50, Procarcharodon megalodon tooth,
4$00, Microceratodus angolensis fossil, 6$00, Nostoceras helicinum,
10$00, Rotula orbiculus angolensis.
Part of a set, geology. Minerals on the other values.
Procarcharodon megalodon is synonymous with Carcharocles megalodon.
Issue date: 31-th of October.
C a t a l o g u e    n u m b e r s
Michel  563, 566, 568-570,
Stanley G  682, 685, 687-689,
Yv et Tel  560, 563, 565-567,
Scott  551, 554, 556-558,

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