LIBYA, 1995  
Libya 1995
Sheet, 16 @ 100 D.;
Baryonyx, Oviraptor (1), Stenonychosaurus (1), Tenontosaurus (1),
Yangchuanosaurus, Stegotetrabelodon, Stegotetrabelodon, Psittacosaurus (1).
Libya 1995
Heterodontosaurus (1), Loxodonta atlantica, Mammuthus africanavus (2), Erlikosaurus (1),
Cynognathus, Plateosaurus (1), Staurikosaurus (1), Lystrosaurus (1).
Libya 1995
  Miniature sheet, 500 D., Stegotetrabelodon.
On the margin, starting at bottom left: Carnotaurus (3), Vulcanodon (1), Rhamphorhynchus, Scutosaurus (4), Hypacrosaurus (4), Dromiceiomimus (1).
Issue date: 20-th of November.
C a t a l o g u e    n u m b e r s
Michel  2225-2240, 141 Stanley G  2388-2304
Yv et Tel  1850-1865, 84 Scott  1533a-p, 1534

(1) = After J. Sibbick, (2) = after Z. Burian,
(3) = after S. Szerkas, (4) = after M. Hallett.
Not all the depicted animals are dinosaurs.
Stenonychosaurus is a synonym of Troodon.
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