POLAND, 1965  

Poland 1965

20 g., Edaphosaurus, 30 g., Cryptoclidus, 40 g., Brontosaurus,
60 g., Mesosaurus, 90 g., Stegosaurus, 1.15 Z., Brachiosaurus,
1.35 Z., Styracosaurus, 3.40 Z., Corythosaurus, 5.60 Z., Rhamphorhynchus,
6.50 Z., Tyrannosaurus.
Issue date: 5-th of March.
C a t a l o g u e    n u m b e r s
Michel  1570-1579 Stanley G  1549-1558
Yv et Tel  1423-1432 Scott  1307-1316

All after Z. Burian.
Cryptoclidus is misspelled Cryptocleidus.
Brontosaurus is now called Apatosaurus.
Poland 1965
Printing errors exist; I own specimens of the 40 g., 60 g., and 90 g. with
perforation and / or colour shifts.
The 30 g. and the 90 g. values are known with missing red and blue, respectively.
Poland 1965
A plate flaw exists for the 60 g., short outer claw of the left hand.
This stamp was printed in small sheets containing ten stamps in five vertical pairs. The flaw is on the right hand stamp of the fourth pair.
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