Kingdom / Phylum . . . . . . . .
Subphylum / Superclass . . . .
Class / Subclass . . . . . . . . . .
Infraclass / Division. . . . . . . .
Subdivision / Infradivision . . .
Superorder / Order. . . . . . . .
Suborder / Infraorder . . . . .
Superfamily / Family . . . . . .
Subfamily / Genus . . . . . . . .
Animalia / Chordata
Cephalochordata / Gnathostomata
Mammalia / Theria
Eutheria / Placentalia
Euarchontoglires / n.a.
Euarchonta / Primates
Anthropoidea / Catarrhini
Hominoidea / Hominidae
Australopithecinae / Australopithecus
Late Miocene - Early Pleistocene
Eastern Africa, Southern Africa

Depicted on:

Angola, 2019 (stamp)
Antigua & Barbuda, 2005 (M.S.)
Belgium, 2001 (position 8 of sheet)
Bosnia-Herzegovina, 2009 (2.00 KM.)
Bosnia-Herzegovina (Serf Republic), 2008 (label)
Cambodia, 2001 (100 R., 200 R., 300 R., 500 R., 500 R.)
Cape Verde, 2009 (60 $., skulls)
Central African Republic, 2013 (position 3 of sheet, as Paranthropus boisei)
Central African Republic, 2021 (positions 1 and 3 of sheet)
Central African Republic, 2021 (positions 2 and 4 of sheet, as Paranthropus)
Central African Republic, 2023 (position 3 of sheet, as Paranthropus)
Central African Republic, 2023 (M.S.)
Central African Republic, 2023 (5 stamps in sheet, label on position 2)
Chad, 1998 (M.S., fossil jaw on stamp, reconstruction on margin)
Chad, 2001 (200 Fr. and M.S.)
Chad, 2012 (150 Fr., collective sheet, M.S. 1, M.S. 1 margin)
Chad, 2017 (M.S. margin)
Chad, 2020 (position 4 of sheet)
Chad, 2021 (position 3 of sheet)
Chad, 2022 (position 1 of sheet)
Chad, 2022 (position 4 of sheet, skull)
Comoros, 2009 (225 Fr.)
Comoros, 2009 (position 6 of sheet)
Comoros, 2009 (dated 2010) (positions 1, 2, and 3 of sheet)
Congo-Brazzaville, 2000 (Nobel prize winners, skull on sheet margin)
Cuba, 1967 (2 c., skull and reconstruction)
Cuba, 1996 (85 c., probably)
Cuba, 1997 (10 c., skull and reconstruction)
Cuba, 2008 (10 c., 15 c., 50 c.)
Djibouti, 2021 (position 1 of sheet, sheet margin)
Djibouti, 2022 (position 1 of sheet, sheet margin, M.S.)
Djibouti, 2023 (positions 1 and 2 of sheet)
Djibouti, 2023 (5 stamps in sheet, label on position 2)
Djibouti, 2023 (M.S. margin)
Estonia, 2016 (1,40 €., evolution sequence)
Ethiopia, 1977 (80 c., skull)
Ethiopia, 1986 (2 B., skeleton)
Ethiopia, 2013 (4 B., skeleton at lower right)
France, 2024 (1,96 €, also evolution sequence and fossils on sheet margins)
Guinea, 2009 (M.S.)
Guinea, 2019 (position 2 from sheet, M.S. margin)
Guinea, 2023 (5 stamps in sheet, label on position 2)
Guinea, 2024 (top margin of sheet)
Guinea-Bissau, 2005 (positions 3 and 5 of sheet)
Guinea-Bissau, 2009 (M.S. margin, evolution sequence)
Guinea-Bissau, 2009 (positions 4 and 5 of sheet)
Guinea-Bissau, 2012 (M.S., fossil skull)
Guinea-Bissau, 2018 (M.S., sheet margin, fossil and reconstruction)
Guinea-Bissau, 2020 (sheet margin, M.S.)
Guinea-Bissau, 2021 (positions 1 and 3 of sheet)
Guinea-Bissau, 2023 (5 stamps in sheet, label on position 2)
Guinea-Bissau, 2023 (position 1 of sheet)
Guyana, 1993 (position 1 of sheet)
Italy, 2009 (€ 0,65)
Kenya, 1982 (50 c., fossil skull)
Korea (North), 2006 (140 c.)
Liberia, 2022 (position 4 of sheet)
Liberia, 2023 (position 4 of sheet, M.S. margin)
Macedonia, 2009 (18 D., hominid evolution sequence)
Micronesia, 2010 (position 4 of sheet)
Mongolia, 2002 (sheet margin)
Mozambique, 2011 (2 @ 16 Mt., sheet margin, M.S., 175 Mt.)
Mozambique, 2011 (M.S. margin)
Mozambique, 2016 (position 3 of sheet)
Mozambique, 2019 (position 4 of sheet, skull)
Niger, 2016 (M.S. margin)
Niger, 2017 (M.S. margin)
Niger, 2019 (position 2 of sheet)
Niger, 2021 (positions 2, 3, and 4 of sheet, M.S. margin, twice as Paranthropus)
Niger, 2022 (position 2 of sheet, sheet margin, M.S., M.S. margin)
Niger, 2023 (5 stamps in sheet, label on position 2)
Palau, 2000 (positions 1, 2, 6, 11, 14, and 20 of sheet)
Paraguay, 2009 (label)
Sao Tome e Principe, 2009 (position 2 of sheet, skulls and reconstruction)
Serbia, 2016 (69 D., evolution sequence)
Serf Republic, 2008 (Label in the middle of 3 x 3 stamp sheet)
Sierra Leone, 2016 (M.S. margin)
Sierra Leone, 2016 (positions 3 and 4 of sheet, M.S. margin)
Sierra Leone, 2019 (M.S., M.S. margin)
Sierra Leone, 2019 (M.S.)
Sierra Leone, 2020 (position 1 of sheet)
Sierra Leone, 2022 (position 2 of sheet, M.S. 1 margin)
Sierra Leone, 2022 (M.S. 1, M.S. 2)
Sierra Leone, 2023 (M.S. margin, evolution sequence)
Sierra Leone, 2023 (M.S. margin, evolution sequence)
Sierra Leone, 2023 (position 9 of sheet, label on position 4, M.S. margin)
Sierra Leone, 2023 (5 stamps in sheet, label on position 2)
Sierra Leone, 2023 (M.S. margin)
Solomon Islands, 2017 (position 1 of sheet)
South Africa, 1991 (65 c., fossil skull)
South Africa, 1998 (fossil skull, position 10 of sheet, also in stamp booklet)
South Africa, 2000 (1,30 R., skull and reconstruction)
South Africa, 2006 (fossil skull and reconstruction of head on two stamps in sheet, one as Paranthropus)
South Africa, 2016 (position 1o of sheet, A. sediba)
Tanzania, 1965 (1,30 Sh., fossil 'Zinjanthropus' skull)
Tanzania, 2014 (1600 S., from set, M.S., footprints)
Togo, 2013 (skull and reconstruction, positions 2 and 3 of sheet, and M.S.)
Togo, 2019 (position 2 of sheet)
Togo, 2020 (positions 2 and 2 of sheet, M.S. margin)
United Kingdom, 1982 (29 p., fossil skull at left)
Uruguay, 2009 (12 $.)
Uzbekistan, 2002 (positions 4 and 5 of sheet)
Meter franking, Brussels, Belgium 'Promo sapiens', 2000 SHOW SCAN.
Meter franking, Seoul, South Korea, 2011 SHOW SCAN.
Post card, 1998, Romania
Commemmorative cancel, Taung, Bophutatswana, 4-th of February, 2007