Kingdom / Phylum . . . . . . . .
Subphylum / Superclass . . . .
Class / Subclass . . . . . . . . . .
Infraclass / Division. . . . . . . .
Subdivision / Infradivision . . .
Superorder / Order. . . . . . . .
Suborder / Infraorder . . . . . .
Superfamily / Family . . . . . . .
Subfamily / Genus . . . . . . . . .
Animalia / Chordata
Cephalochordata / Gnathostomata
Reptilia / Diapsida
Archosauromorpha / Archosauria
Avemetatarsalia / Ornithodira
Dinosauria / Saurischia
Theropoda / Coelurosauria
Oviraptorosauria / Caudipteridae
n.a. / Caudipteryx
Early Cretaceous
Eastern Asia

Depicted on:

Djibouti, 2019 (position 2 of sheet)
Djibouti, 2023 (position 1 of sheet)
Dominica, 2005 (position 4 of sheet 2)
Grenada, 2003 (position 4 of sheet 1)
Kirgizia, 2001 (position 5 of sheet)
Sao Tome e Principe, 2007 (M.S. 2 and 3 margin)
Sao Tome e Principe, 2009 (position 3 of sheet)
Sao Tome e Principe, 2010 (position 2 of sheet)
Sao Tome e Principe, 2014 (position 4 of sheet, misspelled Cudipteryx)
Sierra Leone, 2018 (position 2 of sheet)