Kingdom / Phylum . . . . . . . .
Subphylum / Superclass . . . .
Class / Subclass / Infraclass
Division / Superorder / Order
Suborder / Infraorder . . . . . .
Superfamily / Family . . . . . . .
Subfamily / Genus . . . . . . . . .
Animalia / Chordata
Cephalochordata / Gnathostomata
Reptilia / Diapsida / n.a.
n.a. / n.a. / Ichthyosauria
n.a. / n.a.
n.a. / Ichthyosauridae
n.a. / Ichthyosaurus
Early Jurassic
Europe, Greenland

Depicted on:

Angola, 2019 (stamp, M.S. margin)
Ascension, 1994 (12 p., also with Hong Kong '94 logo, information on gutter)
Barbados, 1993 (90 c., information on gutter)
Benin, 1998 (position 7 of sheet)
Bhutan, 1999 (M.S. 1)
Central African Republic, 2002 (position 13 of sheet 1)
Central African Republic, 2021 (M.S.)
Central African Republic, 2022 (M.S.)
Chad, 2021 (M.S.)
Comoros, 1998 (position 3 of sheet 1)
Congo (Kinshasa), 2006 (M.S. margin)
Cuba, 2013 (85 c.)
Djibouti, 2021 (position 4 of sheet, M.S. margin)
Djibouti, 2023 (M.S. 2, M.S. 2 margin, fossil)
Dominica, 2005 (M.S. margin)
France, 2005 (position 3 of sheet)
Gabon, 1995 (position 7 of sheet 3)
Gabon, 2000 (position 7 of sheet 2)
Gabon, 2000 (position 6 of sheet 4)
Grenada, Carriacou, and Petite Martinique, 2005 (position 2 of sheet 1)
Guinea, 1999 (position 3 of sheet 1)
Guinea, 2009 (position 3 of sheet, overprinted)
Guinea, 2017 (M.S. margin)
Guinea, 2020 (M.S., fossil)
Guinea, 2020 (M.S.)
Guinea, 2022 (sheet margin, M.S. margin)
Guinea-Bissau, 2009 (position 4 of sheet)
Guinea-Bissau, 2014 (position 3 of sheet)
Guinea-Bissau, 2015 (position 4 of sheet)
Guinea-Bissau, 2021 (M.S. margin)
Guyana, 2001 (position 3 of sheet 1 and M.S. 1)
Korea (North), 1991 (50 c.)
Liberia, 1999 (position 12 of sheet 1)
Liberia, 2021 (position 4 of sheet, M.S. margin)
Liberia, 2023 (position 3 of sheet, M.S. margin, fossil skull)
Maldives, 2004 (position 2 of sheet 1)
Monaco, 1955 (10 Fr.)
Mozambique, 2000 (position 6 of sheet 2)
Mozambique, 2012 (position 4 of sheet, sheet margin, fossil)
Mozambique, 2018 (M.S. margin)
Mozambique, 2020 (M.S. margin, fossil)
Nicaragua, 1978 (3 c.)
Nicaragua, 1994 (position 11 of sheet)
Niger, 2018 (position 2 of sheet)
Niger, 2022 (M.S. margin, fossil)
Niger, 2022 (M.S.)
Palau, 2005 (position 3 of sheet)
Saint Vincent & the Grenadines, 1999 (position 10 of sheet 2)
Sao Tome e Principe, 2005 (position 6 of sheet)
Sao Tome e Principe, 2009 (position 3 of sheet)
Sao Tome e Principe, 2020 (M.S.)
Sao Tome e Principe, 2021 (positions 1, 2, and 4 of sheet, M.S., M.S. margin, fossils)
Sao Tome e Principe, 2021 (M.S. margin)
Sierra Leone, 2017 (sheet margin)
Sierra Leone, 2018 (position 1 of sheet)
Sierra Leone, 2020 (position 3 of sheet)
Sierra Leone, 2020 (position 4 of sheet, fossil skull)
Sierra Leone, 2023 (position 9 of sheet)
Sierra Leone, 2023 (position 9 of sheet)
Sierra Leone, 2023 (sheet margin, fossil)
Switzerland, 2009 (100 c.)
Togo, 2016 (position 2 of sheet)
Togo, 2017 (M.S.)
Togo, 2019 (position 1 of sheet, fossil)
Turks and Caicos Islands, 1995 (position 3 of sheet)
United Kingdom, 2013 (position 2 of strip 1)
United Kingdom, 2024 (1-st, fossil, self-adhesive)
Yemen, 1990 (700 f.)